Calculate how much was exceeded
Together we will find the best solution for you. Speak to one of our experts. 1. Exceeded by up to 20% of the ceiling? The first thing to do is grab the calculator. If you have exceeded up to 20% of the revenue ceiling for MEIs, that is, R$97,200.
00, you will be excluded from the MEI regime and will become a Microenterprise (ME). Continue issuing your DAS guide normally until December of the current year. 2. Report excess billing to Chile Email List the IRS The deadline for making this communication is the last business day of the month following the excess billing and must be made via the Entrepreneur Portal .

Failure to communicate within the deadline results in fines for the company and complications during regularization. 3. January is the month to issue a supplementary guide In the month of January, you will need to issue a complementary DAS guide with an extra fee charged on the total amount that exceeds the established limit. |