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標題: work of an exquisitely internal [打印本頁]

作者: hasinamim305@gm    時間: 2024-5-9 11:55     標題: work of an exquisitely internal

However, the conscious use of technology should not be confused with that mentality typical of positivism, and ultimately of the moderns, according to which the means is neutral and the important thing is the end for which it is used. No! The medium is not neutral at all. And our analyzes in this regard have been different, analyzes that make us understand that ultimately "the medium itself is the message" (cit.

McLuhan), because the medium carries within itself a whole series of forces, not only technical, not only physical, and ultimately evocative and metaphysical [10] , with which the subject is  Turkey Phone Numbers 32 Million List constantly confronted. Mastering these forces is the real challenge of the new media era, and to master these forces requires a whole lot ofnature. Work that can lead the subject, man, to place his own center, his own being within himself, and precisely so as not to be overwhelmed by the titanic power [11] of such forces.

A work that is useful to man's life itself, in all its various areas, because the more man is centered on himself, sovereign of himself, and the more he is able to face life, in all its aspects , from the psychological one, to that of daily living, up to that of a purely spiritual nature. The centered man, sovereign of himsel.

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