Finding a successor to a leadership
The arose during adaptation.How to delegate authority Difficulties faced by successors at the beginning of their journey There are a number of difficulties that a successor may encounter at the start. They are mainly due to the fact that the control transfer process is structured incorrectly.Lack of information. One of the main problems for successors at the beginning of their journey is a lack of information or deliberately false information. For example at an interview the successor was prepared for one pool of tasks but in reality the responsibilities turned out to be many times greater.
The owner did not mention the difficulties with contractors or the HR department forgot to provide access to the folder with important documents. All this entails that the new manager is forced to make insufficiently informed decisions or delay processes due to lack of data which negatively affects the company. Unpreparedness Active Phone Number List of the team for the exit of a successor. This can be expressed in sabotage for example employees do not follow instructions or refuse to interact with a new leader in the company. It is worth remembering that at first new colleagues look closely at the manager and may seem distant. Proper communication will help overcome this problem.Owner micromanagement.

Excessive control by the owner of the company may be misunderstood by the new manager. On the one hand it is difficult for the owner to distance himself from the business and on the other the successor feels pressure and lack of trust.Rodion Scriabin founder of the digital agency Palindrome I dont suffer from micromanagement Instead of conclusions position is only half the battle. It is extremely important to competently integrate a manager into a new place. To do this you need to first prepare the ground for building communication with the owner and distribute areas of responsibility. At the adaptation stage it is worth carefully planning tasks and introductory steps in order. |