本帖最後由 msthasna315 於 2024-3-7 19:26 編輯
This textual information is read by the systems and expressed in accordance with the rules and standards defined by the programming language they use. The HTML language, which we are dealing with here, is the most used to develop websites for the global network of computers that we use, the World Wide Web, or simply "www". Its first version was launched in 1991 by British physicist Tim Berners-Lee, who is one of those responsible for promoting the viability and popularity of the Internet around the world. Currently, the language is in its fifth version, HTML5. The latter expanded the possibilities for the development of websites, highlighting semantic and accessibility resources , as well as improvements in the so-called PWAs (sites that function as applications).
How does HTML work and what is it for? Along with HTTP, the Telegram Number Data transfer protocol that allows communication between browsers and the servers where websites are hosted, HTML is one of the innovations responsible for creating the Internet as we know it today . ADVERTISEMENT Although other types of languages have emerged and become popular in recent decades, HTML remains behind most directions. It is even considered the main reference in terms of developing platforms for the web. In general terms, this language consists of a set of marks that define the structure of the page titles, the type and size of the font, color, spacing, positioning of the visual content, as well as the behavior of the navigation elements and the design. For didactic purposes, we can say that HTML represents the basic elements of building a website.

Using HTML, most of the entire structure that makes up websites, blogs, social networks, e-commerces and service platforms is built. That is why it is so important that you know it, especially if you work on the web. What can we analyze in the source code of a web page? Since the source code is just the other "side of the coin" on a web page, we can freely access it from the browser. To edit it, however, it is necessary to have the site's editing mechanisms available, which are found within the CMS panel you use. This direct editing, however, is not recommended for users without knowledge of HTML. This is because small errors in the text can seriously affect the pages and harm the performance of your project on the web. |